It is crucial to know how to make and utilize external links for developing successful and user-friendly websites. It empowers you to build relationships, optimize navigation, interact with users, and raise your website’s search engine ranking. This article is about external linking in HTML.

In web development, an external link in HTML acts as a bridge between your web page and external content, which may include another webpage, a downloadable file, or a reference to a different website. To create an external link in HTML, you use the <a> (anchor) element with the href attribute. The `href` attribute specifies the URL of the external web page you want to link to.

In this article, we will explore how to create an external link in HTML, highlighting the essential concepts and best practices. We will also explore internal linking to round out your understanding of hyperlinks in web development.

What Are External Links in HTML?

A hyperlink that points to a domain other than the one it originates from (source) is known as an external link.

Because search engines regard external links as outside endorsements of a website, they have a more significant influence on search engine rankings than internal links.

How to Create an External Link in HTML?

In this section, we’ll see how to create an external link in HTML.

In the HTML tags, the anchor tags <a> and </a> labels, which describe the connections, must be used to add a hyperlink to an HTML page. The hyperlink’s start and end are indicated by the <a> and </a> tags, respectively. Any additional content supplied to these labels will serve as a hyperlink. Include the connection’s URL in the <a href = ” “>

This is how you use hyperlinks −

All of the links in HTML are regarded as hyperlinks. Users can click on these hyperlinks to navigate to another page or document. The text cannot be made into a link since clicking on it is prohibited. Thus, we must provide hyperlinks within the text.

Understanding Internal Linking in HTML With Example

For proper web page navigation, an HTML page uses internal links. You can make an internal link on the webpage if you want to click on a link to go to a specific place on the same page. In an HTML page, links are created using the <a> tag.

Here’s an example of an internal link:

In this case, the link points to a page within the same website, and the “Internal Link Text” is the anchor text for the link.

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Combining Internal and External Links in HTML

It is a common way to look organized by including internal and external links on your website. As a result, users will find it easy to browse your website and access external resources.

The following is an example of how to do it:

There are two links on the page in this code. Users can reach an external website through the second external link, which points to a local page. The first internal link points to a local page.

Adding External Hyperlink in HTML

Creating hyperlinks to external websites is just the start. You may use external links with different HTML attributes to improve the user experience and offer more information.

Here are some standard techniques:

Opening Links in a New Tab

If you want users to click on a link that opens in a new browser tab, you can use the target=”_blank” property. This uses the target=”_blank” attribute inside the opening anchor tag.

Adding Titles to Links

Using the `title` element, you can provide further information about the link that appears when the user hovers over it. This can help give them a synopsis or inform them of the link’s destination.

Adding a Rel Attribute

The `rel` attribute can define the connection between your website and the external resource. For example, you can use `rel=” no opener”` to enhance security by preventing the external site from accessing your website’s window or properties.

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What is the difference between internal and external links in HTML?

HTML allows users to navigate between pages on the same website or domain using internal links, while external links take users to other websites or domains that include external resources.

How can I check if an external link works correctly?

By clicking on external links and observing whether the associated website or resource opens in a new tab or window, you may confirm that the links are functioning. You can also utilize online tools and validators to look for inaccurate or broken links.

What is an example of an external link in HTML?

Examples of external links include and Effective external linking has the following benefits: It may be helpful to readers. A high-quality external connection increases your website's authority.

Can I use CSS to style external links differently?

Yes, you can style external links with appropriate CSS properties. To indicate that a link points to an external website can involve altering the text's color, underlining it, or adding icons.

What is the purpose of the `rel` attribute in external links?

The connection between your website and the external resource is specified by the `rel` attribute. It can be used to improve security, provide licensing or copyright information, and describe how the link should be opened, among other things.

How do I make external links accessible to screen readers?

Use appropriate link text and the 'title' element to provide additional context to make external links accessible. Users with disabilities will then receive this information through screen readers.


How to create an external link in HTML is an essential skill for web developers and designers. These links connect your web pages to external resources, enhancing the user experience and providing valuable references.

By learning the basics of internal and external linking in HTML, you can create a well-structured and informative website. When dealing with external links, keep in mind recommended procedures and think about using extra features to improve security and user experience.

See Also: How do HTML and CSS Work Together? Beginner’s Guide

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